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Here are many sample puppets in the styles I have designed to give an idea of the variety that can be crafted for you.


The character puppets are designed, sculpted and crafted in full costume.  The characters are made of craft velour, and sewn first with machine.  All sculpting is done by hand – to develop facial features and knees, elbows and feet.   Arms are attached with swivel joints for maneuverability.   Hair is knitted from special yarns, as are eyebrows, sideburns, beards and chest hair.  Tattoos are embroidered.  Clothes are either designed and sewn to suit the character, or purchased and altered to fit.


** Prices range from $250.00 to $500.00.

Please allow 3 to 6 months for your custom made character choice.




The Bible Guy

The Bible Guy

Joseph, Noah, Hezikaiah, or ????

Leprechaun   seated

Leprechaun seated

Mr. Salty - the Lighthouse Keeper

Mr. Salty - the Lighthouse Keeper

The Guys & Their Wheels

The Guys & Their Wheels

Har-Lee Ryder  Motorcycle man

Har-Lee Ryder Motorcycle man

N-D Thal -

N-D Thal -

Caveman - & his stone wheel

Angus Buchannan Highlander

Angus Buchannan Highlander

Joe Lobsterman

Joe Lobsterman

Lachlan McClaine

Lachlan McClaine

Scots' Highlander

Lachlan McClaine & his 'Cromac'

Lachlan McClaine & his 'Cromac'

Scots' Highlander

Aldous The Jailbird.  left side

Aldous The Jailbird. left side

Aldous The Jailbird   right side

Aldous The Jailbird right side

Marvin Moonshiner

Marvin Moonshiner

"outstanding in his field"

Moonshiner Marvin

Moonshiner Marvin

Tony Italian Martini-Man

Tony Italian Martini-Man

Tony the Italian  Martini Man

Tony the Italian Martini Man

Native American -

Native American -

the Giving Grandpa story-teller

Native American

Native American

close-up hair back

Native American  back/ left side

Native American back/ left side

Hamish Buchannan

Hamish Buchannan

Scots' Highlander

Hamish Buchannan

Hamish Buchannan

Scot's Highlander in great Kilt

Hamish Buchannan.

Hamish Buchannan.

Ashley Bryan, artist

Ashley Bryan, artist

in the sea-breeze.

Ashley Bryan

Ashley Bryan

and the rose

Ashley Bryan

Ashley Bryan

in African tunic

Ashley Bryan     close-up

Ashley Bryan close-up


Puppets in Full Costume


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